inv # 20-115 & 20-116
S#: 22SPL & 33SPL
Caliber: 44 Special (both)
Barrel: 7 1/2″ & 5 1/2″
Notes: These guns are well known and pictured in four different books. Wilson’s “Colt Engraving” on page 489, Garton’s “Colt’s SAA Post War Models” on page 132, Wilkerson’s “The Post-War Colt Single Action Revolver (1st Edition, 1978) on page 89, Wilkerson’s “The Post-War Colt Single Action Revolver (2nd Edition, 1980) on page 242. The two Wilkerson books are included as a part of this lot. Also included as a part of this lot is a 1977 magazine article from “Aqua Field” explaining about the long history of engraved guns at Colt and the establishment of the Colt Custom Shop in 1976. Included is a 1980 advertisement from “Cherry’s Sporting Goods News” explaining the connection between the issuing of this 50 piece custom edition in 44 Special and the launching of the Custom Shop. Also included in this lot are original photos of the Custom Shop Superintendent, Al DeJohn and 3 of the in-house engravers: Leonard Francolini, Robert Burt, and Dan Goodwin at their work benches. For the collector of Colt factory engraved SAA this is an opportunity to take a step forward in upgrading their collection w/ factory engraved guns that are gold inlaid, pictured in several books, have historical ties to the Colt Custom Shop, and all of that in 2nd generation. This array of complete documentation enhances the overall value of firearms and stands out, whether being displayed at a show or within your collection. This lot has been in the private collection of the consigner for over 30 years and not previously offered at auction.
Status: Modern

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