inv # 20-896
Cal. 9mm Luger.
S# 22444.
Bbl. 4” w/ proper somewhat ‘fat’ profile. Mfg. as 1 of 50 w/in S# range of 22401-22450. Created for U.S. trials as 1 of 1st Lugers to be chambered for 9mm Luger. They were obtained as an exchange for Model 1900 U.S. test Lugers deemed inadequate due to ‘small’ 30 cal. chambering. They were mfg. w/ cartridge counter feature requested by U.S. Board of Ordnance & Fortification; officially called Powell Indicating Device recognizing its American designer. Left grip fitted w/ window having metal strip numbered 1-7; left side of mag. additionally slotted (normally solid) having sm. pin w/ horizontal groove installed into follower to indicate no. of cartridges remaining. Mags. were tin plated w/ wood bases having metal disks in dimples. Some bases were not marked, others w/ ‘Cal. 9m/m’; to the untrained they appeared to be a Swiss mag. as those had tin plated bodies & characteristic wood bases w/ metal disks. In fact, very early Luger book by Fred Datig alluded to the fact that cartridge counters were of Swiss design due to distinctive bases. Recognized expert Jan Still shows his example in his book of Imperial Lugers having S# 22443. Some examples w/ photos available have the cartridge counter legend shown w/ yellowed tone. This one very distinctive w/ bright silver appearance & proper black numerals. Proper early old model features include: grip safety, flat mainspring, dished toggles, early flat top extractor, no stock lug, wide trigger guard, strawed sm. parts, fin shaped front sight & S#’s in commercial locations plus short frame & receiver. All were refinished after modification for cartridge counter feature. Thumb safety area is not marked yet very faint outline of area that would have been polished bright. Matching numbered parts identified using last 3 digits on grip safety, side plate, receiver (on lug) & toggle assembly rather than usual 2 digits. However, takedown lever, trigger & right grip (penciled) numbered 44 along w/ grip markings of “D” on right; “G” on left. Full S# on bottom of bbl. Standard DWM on toggles & American eagle over chamber. Firing pin milled flat on portion viewed in breech block slot; finish of machining matches balance of firing pin. MAGS: 1 very good correct 8 rd. cartridge counter.
Status: CURIO