2021 Fall Premier Auction Addendum
Auction Begins in
Day 1 Friday November 5, 2021
- Lot # 1023 ADDITION TO DESC: The word CONDITION: was missing from the description.
- Lot # 1121 ADDITION TO DESC: Working magazine disconnect safety.
- Lot # 1123 CORRECTION: Low catalog estimate is $450, not $600 in printed & digital catalog.
- Lot # 1130 CORRECTION: MAGS: 2-8 rd. mags, not 1.
- Lot # 1143 CORRECTION: 1) SECOND SERIES. R.F.V S# 121943. is (21-2592/NW) was 21-2598/NW.
2) FIRST SERIES. S# 76373. (21-2598/NW) was 21-2592/NW. in printed & digital catalog. - Lot # 1298 CORRECTION: S# is S012341, was S92541.
Day 2 Saturday November 6, 2021
- Lot # 2067 INCORRECT IMAGE: The image is incorrect in the printed & digital catalog.
- Lot # 2073 ADDITION TO LEAD & DESC: PAULINE MUERRLE ENGRAVED WINCHESTER MODEL 12 TRAP PUMP SHOTGUN. Action has custom No. 5 engraving w/ gold inlaid figures by former factory engraver Pauline Muerrle. Pauline was the last factory in house engraver 1979-1986. Since leaving Winchester, Pauline has continued to engrave fine Winchesters.
- Lot # 2105 ADDITION TO DESC: UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES: copy of factory letter.
- Lot # 2129A ADDITIONAL LOT: EARLY LEFEVER ARMS CO. G GRADE SXS SHOTGUN. Cal. 12 Ga. S# 17055. Bbls. 24 5/8″ damascus, are unmarked except for foreign proofs on bottoms & S# on bottom right. Mid style Lefever action w/ “Fish Hook” type cocking system, early type lockplates w/ sears attached also features cocking indicators, automatic safety & dbl. triggers. Action & lockplates are line border engraved & “LEFEVER ARMS CO” is stamped on each lockplate. Patent dates ending in “87” are on trigger plate & S# is on trigger guard tang which extends to usual Lefever type fluted hard rubber grip cap. Capped pistol grip buttstock of relatively plain European walnut measures approx. 12″ over old pad covered by “LIMBSAVER” slip over black pad. Point pattern checkering is at grip. Matching splinter forend has push button release. Diameter at muzzles: left .734, right .734. Choke Constriction: right- 0, left- 0. Wall thickness: right .040, left .043. DAH: 3 1/8″. DAC: 1 3/4″. WEIGHT: 7 lbs. 4 oz. CONDITION: fair to good. Metal parts retaining traces of original finish w/ considerable staining & browning. Bbls. are cut. Wood retaining most of an old varnish finish w/ numerous marks & dents. Bores are lightly pitted throughout. Action is tight. Mechanically good. (01-20177/MGM). ANTIQUE. $250-300.
- Lot # 2151 CORRECTION: S# is 1658217, was 1658717.
- Lot # 2206 CORRECTION: S# is 00004MN851, was 00004NN851.
- Lot # 2208 CORRECTION TO IMAGE: Scope was mounted backwards in print & digital catalog.
- Lot # 2223 CORRECTION: S# is 2091.24, was 2691.24.
- Lot # 2721A ADDITIONAL LOT: COLT OFFICERS MODEL TARGET DA REVOLVER. Cal. 22 LR. S# 9484. 1935 Production. Revolver in standard configuration w/ 6″ bbl. Adj. front & rear sights & checkered backstrap. Pistol has been fitted w/ thumb rest plastic grips. CONDITION: good. metal showing over 80% original blue w/ considerable silvering on edges & cyl. Grips are good w/ some shrinkage. Bore is shiny. Cyl. somewhat loose. (21-3958/MGM). CURIO. $450-550.
- Lot # 2758A ADDITIONAL LOT: VERY FINE COMMERCIAL OBERNDORF MAUSER SHORT ACTION CARBINE WITH SLING, DIE & BRASS. Cal. 8×51. S# 5703. Bbl. 20″ half rnd., half oct. fitted w/ 1 standing, 1 folding leaf rear sight in oct. faceted base. A silver bead front sight is in long checkered ramp. Scarce Model 98 K length sm. ring action stamped “WAFFENFABRIK” “MAUSER” “OBERNDORF a/n” & “1902” on receiver ring. S# & B, U proofs are on left side. Bolt w/ original pear shaped knob has all matching numbers. Bottom metal w/ button detachable floorplate fitted w/ dbl. set triggers. Early style rnd. knob pistol grip stock w/ reinforcing panels at rear of action, measures 14 7/8″ over original checkered horn buttplate w/ “WM” logo. Stock features right hand cheekpiece, point pattern checkering at grip & original sling loops on toeline & bottom of bbl. holding an old leather sling. UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES: RCBS sizing die & approx. 40 formed brass marked “HERTERS 7mm”. Paperwork pertaining to Howard L. Ingersoll (previous owner), information pertaining to 8×51 Mauser from “Cartridges of the World” & handloading specifications from “Complete Guide to Handloading”. CONDITION: very fine. Metal parts retaining 90% original blue w/ some high edge wear & some scattered flecking. There is a considerable amount of temper blue on bolt stop, triggers show considerable darkening to their original straw finish. Stock retains about 90% of its original shiny varnish finish w/ some scattered marks & dings. There is some minor worm damage to buttplate mostly around top screw. Bore is very good to fine w/ strong rifling, exhibits considerable frosting throughout. Action is smooth, mechanically good. (21-3959/MGM). CURIO. $2,000-4,000.
Day 3 Sunday November 7, 2021
- Lot # 3244 ADDITION TO DESC: PROVENANCE: The Estate Collection of Gary Parietti.
- Lot # 3298A ADDITIONAL LOT: REGIMENTALY MARKED BROWN BESS TRIANGULAR SOCKET BAYONET. 17″ triangular blade has crowned “B”? proof on top rear. 2-3/4″ socket is marked “B” “84” “XX”. Socket dia. approx. 7/8″. CONDITION: fair to good. Exhibiting dark brown patina over pitted surface. (02-15972/MGM). $200-300.
- Lot # 3311 ADDITION TO CONDITION: Wood replaced from middle band to nose cap.
- Lot # 3317 CORRECTION: 01-17914/MGM should be 01-19714/MGM.
- Lot # 3416 ADDITION TO DESC: UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES: 1962 dated letter concerning purchase of gun.
- Lot # 3469 INCORRECT IMAGE: The image is incorrect in the printed & digital catalog.
- Lot # 3577A ADDITIONAL LOT: REMINGTON #1 ROLING BLOCK SPORTING RIFLE WITH UNERTL SCOPE. Cal. 32-40. S# 9295. Bbl. 26″ tapered oct., relined from 38 cal. w/ new mark on bottom & name “L. SHAVER”. Top flat stamped w/ Remington Ilion address, has sight blank at rear & has German silver blade front sight. Bbl. has been fitted w/ scope blocks holding Unertl 6x target scope w/ crosshair reticle on micrometer mts. No. 1 action has patent dates on left side. Straight grip walnut buttstock has rounded, uniquely Remington, buttplate. The initials “GHB” are scratched into left side. Typical forend w/ shaped steel tip attaches to bbl. w/ single screw. CONDITION: good. bbl. retaining most of its original blue w/ some vice marks, browning & light scratches. Action has very light traces of case color when protected & is mostly gray brown. Stocks retain most of an oil refinish. Bore is very fine bright & shiny. Scope is fine, optically clear. Action good. (01-20175/MGM). ANTIQUE. $1,300-1,500.
- Lot # 3581A ADDITIONAL LOT: REMINGTON NEW YORK STATE CONTRACT ROLLING BLOCK SRC. Cal. 50-70. NSN. Bbl. 22″ fitted w/ spring steel notch in step adj. rear sight base. No.1 rolling block action w/ 3 line address on tang has distinctive tall hammer spur & side extension to breech block thumb piece. Action has half cock safety feature which returns hammer to half cock when breech is opened. A saddle ring is affixed to left side. Oil finished hardwood stock has carbine style steel buttplate & has distinctive banner inspectors mark on left side w/ the initials “HBH”. A rack number “374” is deeply stamped on front of buttplate tang. Typical forend is held to bbl. by 1 spring retained band. CONDITION: good. Metal retaining traces of original finish over dark gray & brown patina. Stocks retain most of their oil finish w/ lg. number of marks & dings. Bore is fine, shiny w/ some light frosting. Action is good. Inspector’s mark dbl. struck & is fairly clear. (01-20176/MGM). ANTIQUE. $700-1,000
Day 4 Monday November 8, 2021
- Lot # 4148A ADDITIONAL LOT: WINCHESTER LOW WALL WINDER MUSKET RIFLE. Cal. 22 LR. S# 125087. Standard configuration w/ 28″ rnd. bbl. uncut for rear sight. Has Winchester proof on breech end & Winchester info on left side. Integral front ramp holds Lyman 17 sight. Blued low wall action w/ Winchester info on top tang fitted w/ Lyman side mounted receiver sight adj. for windage & elevation. A single set trigger also fitted. Hammer is of skeletonized type. Typical buttstock of carbine style is fitted w/ sling loop on toeline. Forend extends to w/in 4″ of muzzle w/ steel cap, has finger grooves & attaches to bbl. w/ single screw retained band. CONDITION: very good. Bbl. retaining most of its original blue w/ considerable splotches & browning. Action retains over 60% of its original blue silvered on high edges, browned on finger lever & tangs. Set trigger appears to be an aftermarket item. Stocks retain over 60% hand rubbed oil finish w/ a good scattering of marks & dings. Bore is very fine, sharp & shiny throughout. Rifle can not be fired w/out setting trigger. A piece of brown suede is glued to steel buttplate. (21-3960/MGM). CURIO. $1,000-1,200.
- Lot # 4271 ADDITION TO DESC: UNATTACHED ACCESSORIES: paperwork detailing the rifle & referencing smoke prints from sources stated in description.
- Lot # 4429 INCORRECT IMAGE: The #2 gun, image is incorrect in the printed & digital catalog.
- Lot # 4450 INCORRECT IMAGE: The image is incorrect in the printed & digital catalog.
November 2022